3 Rounds:
30sec Dead hang (double, or alternating single cumulative)
6 Xiaopeng Forward (L + R)
12 Pause(2sec) squat jumps
30sec Single leg flexion (L+R)
EMOM 8:00
Handstand hold / Freestanding hold / handstand walk
20 seconds effort (wall hold, free stand hold/attempt, walk/attepmt)
40 seconds Rest
For Max Reps, in partners:
AMRAP 6:00 (1:00 on/off)
Alternating DB snatch (AHAP)
AMRAP 6:00 (1:00 on/off)
Box Jumps (30/24)
AMRAP 6:00 (1:00 on/off)
Rope climbs (legless if possible
AMRAP 6:00 (1:00 on/off)
Wall Ball (20/14)
*each partner completes 3 rounds of 1:00 with each movement. Score is total cumulative reps across all rounds*
Deltoid smash; 2:00/
Couch stretch; 2:00/