It’s here again! the 2018 Open begins this Thursday, with the first event being announced at 5:00pm.
If you haven’t yet registered there’s still time; you have until Thursday to do so! The open is a good way to challenge yourself and if you at all have any desire to compete in the future, or would just like to have a yearly marker for your fitness, then you should definitely go for it. you can register at :
cost is $20.00
We’ll be programming each week’s open workout as the Friday workout each week, so either way youl’ll be getting a chance to do it!
3 rounds : (30 sec each)
Monster Squat banded (band around knees and push knees out)
Alternating pigeon pose
DB strict press
Scapular pull-up
Rest 30sec
1- Shoulder external/internal rotation 2×15 each side
2- Banded goodmorning 3x 15
(15 :00)
4 Super sets of :
12 per arm KB/DB bent over row @AHAP
Max asymmetric push-up (1 hand on a plate, other on the floor, do 1 push up, then move over so the other hand is on the plate…)
Rest 60-90 sec
(AMRAP 10:00)
2-4-6-8-10-12…. Reps of
Thrusters @75/55
+ 25 Double unders after each set
Thrusters @95/65
C2B pull-up