2017 has officially come to a close. To mark the occasion, we decided it’s time to wipe the goal board clean. It’s time to re assess your goals, and your achievements. Looking at the above photo, would you say you achieved your goals?
I know some of you just added your goals to the board recently, and that some of your goals are set for the new year, but it is still a good idea to revisit what you all have set as your intentions, as well as re affirming them by writing them down again, even if they are exactly the same.
Take time to think about what it is you truly want to achieve, and what you might need to do to get there. You may find that the path to your goal is different than you first imagined. For example, if you goal is to hit a new PR on your back squat, maybe the best way to do it isnt to simply load yourself up with lots of heavy squats. Perhaps what you need is to take your squat back to a light weight, to re engineer your technique in order to hit that new PR. It sounds contradictory, but sometimes an alternate route can take you exactly where you want to go.
If you have questions about any of this, ask your coaches; it’s what we are here for. We not only have the experience to guide you, but we can see things in your movements that you simply can’t feel.
I challenge all of you in this new year to put the quality of your movement above your capacity. At the end of your workouts, ask yourself if you were practicing quality, or if you allowed your engine to override your mechanics. As I mentioned in the blog post Quality over Quantity, you will find if you move with intention and with a sense of quality, it will cause everything you do to improve.
With that in mind, Happy goal setting!
– Pete
(10:00 Running clock)
Row 200m
10 pigeon pose (alternate the pigeon pose and hold for 3-4 seconds each time)
10 Light DB thrusters
10 Alternating Samson lunges
5 inch worm on the spot
Lats and Back smash 3:00
2x 15 banded goodmornings
(15:00 cap)
Super Set :
4-5 Rounds:
5 strict ring dips (weighted if possible)
10 DB Back Fly
Rest 1:00
EMOM 15 :00
EMOM 15 :00
To be able to finish the work you started in 1 minute.. Scale accordingly!!
(If you start with RX+ but can’t fit all the work in after a few rounds, switch to RX. Goal is to pick the right WOD that will allow you to keep the good form and be challenging.)