Hey Everyone!!!
This coming Monday is B.C Day! Get outside and spend the day with your families and friends. If you want to hit a workout, we’ll be running a workout @ 9:00am. It’ll be a hero WOD, still to be determined, perhaps through another Facebook vote as on Canada Day!
Saturday and Sunday will run as scheduled.
Have a great long weekend!
2x 1:00 ea
200m run
Kbell Bottoms up press Left
Kbell Bottoms up press right
Wrestlers bridge
Supine scorpion kick
Farmers Carry (100m)
building to heaviest, rest approx. 2:00-3:00
Sandbag Carry (100m)
building to heaviest, rest approx. 2:00-3:00
Yoke Carry (100ft)
building to heaviest, rest approx. 2:00-3:00
In Partners:
AMRAP 16:00
4 Man Makers (AHAP)
200m sprint
*Partners alternate full rounds