Hey Everyone!!!
The Temenos Coaching Team would like to announce that we’ll be implementing some changes to our schedule!
Details will be posted later this week, as well as some changes will be making in regards to our expectations of class etiquette and attitude.
We’re super excited about this and hope you will be too. Our goal is to better serve and train our members, as well giving you all greater opportunity to improve and advance your abilities.
Changes will be posted with Friday’s workout, and the new schedule will take effect on Monday, November 20th!
Row 500m, then with empty bar : 5 sets of
2 Snatch Shrug
2 Snatch pull
2 Power snatch
2 Snatch balance
2 full squat snatch
Work on AHAP for these complex (building) :
EMOM for 6 min
2 Power Snatch + 1 OHS, then :
EMOM for 6 min
2 Squat Snatch
Power snatch (75/55)
Ring rows