3 rounds:
10 beat swing
5 inch worm
5/side pigeon pose (hold the stretch 5 sec)
10/side KB press up (laying on your side)
3x 3 Muscle up transitions
rest as needed
EMOM 20:00
1. 3 Squat clean @ 70-75%
2. 1 – 6 Muscle up* (bar or ring)
*choose a number between 1-6 and consistently maintain that number for the duration of the EMOM. The muscle ups do not need to be unbroken, but you must maintain your rep scheme
Scaled: 2-6 Kipping pull up + 2-6 kipping ring dip. Pull up reps must match the ring dip reps, i.e 3+3
4 Rounds:
7 Deficit(4″) kettle bell Bulgarian split squat (across, 7 per leg)
7 Strict toes to bar (super controlled)
rest as needed
Banded bully; 2:00/
Couch stretch; 2:00/