Last Tuesday was Graham’s birthday, and so we’re going to commemorate with a birthday WOD today! Who’s ready to do “The Don” +1, +1 ?! Just kidding. If you were here for Grahams last birthday WOD, you’ll get the reference.
Graham is an awesome individual who never ceases to amaze me. He’s just such a positive person, who seems to be able to find the good in any scenario. He’s always friendly and welcoming to new members of our community, and is always involved and supporting any event we hold. In his training he’s constantly improving and progressing, which just goes to show you that age is truly just a number.
Were lucky to have him, and hope he’s as happy to have us as coaches as we are to have him as a student and as a friend.
3 Rounds, 1:00 each
Cossack squats
Yoga push up
2 rounds:
20 banded pull aparts (across chest)
rest as needed
Barbell shoulder press; 12-5-4-3-2-1
6 Rounds, 8 reps each:
KB swings (AHAP)
goblet squats (AHAP)
ring rows (feet elevated if possible)
hand release push up
Kettlebell goblet box step ups (AHAP, 24/20, alternating)
Lat smash; 2:00/
Wall squat; 4:00