Warm up
3 Rounds, 30sec ea
Samson lunge
Scorpion kicks
Run 800m
3 Rounds:
Pause air squat
Banded straight arm pull down
For Time, in Partners:
Buy in : Double unders (300*)
Dumbbell snatch (alt./AHAP)
Toes to bar
Overhead plate walking lunge (45/25)
Wall ball (20/14)
Cash out : Double unders (300*)
* partners must together complete a total of 300 double unders, between the buy in and the cash out. They may choose to divide this however they please (150 buy in/150 cash out, 200 buy in/100 cash out, 0 buy in/300 cash out, etc.).
Lateral opener 2:00/
Ball tack & floss 2:00/