Dolphin run then, 2 rounds
30 dowell passovers
30 dowell OHS
30″ hip bridge
30 Scorpion kick
Reverse lunges (barbell back rack); 8-8-8-8-8 (building)
Each partner will start on the same Tabata and switch places every 20sec. You both add reps (score is all the reps of both partners added) and when both are done 4 rounds of both exercises, you have 2 min rest and switch tabatas.
Tabata #1 (4 minutes, 4 rounds of both)
Overhead squat (75/55)
Strict pull up
Rest 2:00(between Tabatas)
Tabata #2
Front Squat (75/55)
GHD or Sit-up
Rest 2:00
Tabata #3
Ring rows
Push ups
Rest 2:00
1K row for time