Renee has made it to regionals again this year!!
To celebrate and to raise some money to support her journey, we will be doing the “All the way Renee day” again this year!
The event board inside the gym has all the info you need, and I’ve posted it here aswell.
There will be more announcements as the date draws closer, but this is officially the first!
500m row then,
2 rounds, With empty bar :
10 power clean
10 Frontsquats (pause 2 sec. in the hole)
10 push jerk
+ 30 sec. Superman hold
10:00 cap:
1. Wrist stretch on floor and/or super front rack 2:00/
2. I.Y.T’s : 3x 5 with light DB
[Every 3 minutes for 18:00]
6 Total Rounds
Build to the heaviest possible for this complex:
3 power clean
3 frontsquat
3 push jerk
Not for time:
10- 1 :
Ring rows
Reverse DB fly
Back extension