We are super excited to host Kevin Lutz of Revamp Training Systems for our Deadlift Workshop!
Kevin is a competitive Powerlifter, as well as a highly knowledgeable strength coach. As many of you already know, our gym is going to be starting a strength program (beginning April 16th) that will focus on the posterior chain, and more specifically the deadlift.
This is a great opportunity to spend some quality time working with someone who specializes in the this lift, and it will surely help throughout the duration of our strength cycle.
However, spaces are limited! we’re looking for no more than 8 – 10 people for this workshop. The cost is $20.00, and this will hold your spot for the event.
We do have an opportunity to potentially run a second workshop from 2pm – 4pm on the same date, if we get alot of interest and members looking to participate. Quite honestly, I hope that we do!
Date : Saturday, April 14th
Time : 12:00 – 2:00 p.m
Place : Temenos Athletics
Cost : $20:00
If you are interested, you can see any of our coaches to register yourself. Hope to see you all there!
Run 800m, then 30 sec of each (3 rounds) :
Banded Lat pull down
Lateral Skater jump
Hollow hold
Cossack squat (low transfer)
Warm up Back squat (10:00)
(4 sets)
6 Back squat @65-70% (Across)
12 Hip Thrusters @AHAP (Bar or KB)
Rest no more than 2:00
(4 sets)
6 Strict Pull up (weighted if possible, ACROSS)
12 GHD situp
Rest no more than 2:00
1. Wall squat OR quad smash; 4:00
2. T-spine smash; 4:00