Tomorrow night’s 6:30p.m Competitive class (with Renee) is cancelled for this week, and will be resuming next Tuesday, March 26th.
Have a great evening everyone!
(Running clock 10:00)
Run or Row 200m
20 alternating samson lunges
10 Banded lat pull down
1 wall walk (hold 5 sec against wall)
Warm up push press then:
EMOM 14:00
1- Push press x 6 Unbroken (Across, AHAP)
2- 50 sec hold plank + 1 push-up every 10 seconds
Chest to bar
Wall Ball @20/14
** 5 burpees between each round!
1- Anterior Compartment Smash 2:00/
2- Wall Squat 4:00