This week marks the last of the 2017 open workouts, so we are going to have a social night this Friday, March 24th to celebrate!
A number of our athletes will be doing the workout on Friday evening between 430 and 730pm, so come on in anytime Friday evening to cheer on our athletes.
Our social will begin after 730 pm. We’ll play some games and have a few drinks, and we’ll also be announcing our April challenge and outlining the details!
(Sarah will be making a post tomorrow on our FB page with a few more details for the challenge)
Hope to see you all on Friday evening!
400m run OR row, then
2x 10/ea
wall balls
Scap pull ups
medball cleans
Perfect kip swings (bar)
10:00 cap:
1. Super front rack OR couch stretch 2:00/
2. Banded straight arm pull downs 3x 12
Pause Front squat(3sec pause); build, then 5x 3 (across)
AMRAP 14:00
8 Thrusters (115/75)
9 Toes to bar
10 box jumps