2 Rounds
200m run
10 KB strict press Left
10 KB strict press Right
10 Goblet squat (hold 3sec in bottom)
10 KB swings
10:00 cap:
1. Anterior compartment smash 2:00/
2. 2 Rounds :
10 Dowel passovers Standing
10 Dowel passovers Prone
6 Rounds, 30 seconds each:
A) Double unders
B) Handstand:
Handstand hold on wall (Shifting weight from right to left
Handstand walk
Strict Handstand push up (NO KIPPING)
C) Rest
AMRAP 4:00
8 Toes to bar
8 Push press (95/65)
8 Back squat (95/65)
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 4:00
6 Toes to bar
6 Push press (95/65)
6 Back squat (95/65)
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 4:00
4 Toes to bar
4 Push press (95/65)
4 Back squat (95/65)